Q. Who was the Buddha? Can anyone be a Buddha?
A. Siddhartha Gautama, known later as "The Buddha" lived around 2,500 years ago. Buddhism teaches that he is the Buddha of our age, so we often call him "The Buddha". However, there are other Buddhas and, in fact, everyone has a Buddha nature and the potential to become a Buddha.
Q. What is Dharma? I hear and read this word everywhere?
The Dharma refers to the teachings of the Buddha
Q. What is enlightenment? Where is Nirvana?
Q. What is Samsara and how it works?
Samsara is the cycle of birth and death and all the desires for all the trappings in between.
Q. How does the mind go from one body to another? Have there ever been any scientists who believe in rebirth?
A. There is some scientific evidence of rebirth although it is not accepted by scientists in general.
Q. How do we know or prove that rebirth is true? Is there a soul from one body to another body if rebirth exists?
Q. I don't understand 'No Self' in Buddhism?
A. Non self is related to the concepts of the interconnectedness of everything and impermanance. There is no independent self that exists independent of everything else. The concept of non-self dismantles the ego. It is not a denial of relative existence.
Q. Is karma the same as destiny, in the sense that everything that happens to you is predetermined?
A. No. Buddhism teaches that events are determined by causes and conditions. So rather than destiny being predetermined our actions lead to results that also depend on conditions. The combination of causes, conditions, and results is called karma. There can be good and bad karma.
- Q. Was it selfish of the Buddha to abandon his wife and child in order to seek enlightenment?
Q. What do the terms, wisdom and compassion mean in Buddhism?
Practice, Ritual etc
Q. What are the major approaches to Buddhism?
A. The major approaches to practicing Buddhism are
- Studying Buddhism through attending classes, reading sutras, books, and so on. The teachings of the Buddha are referred to as the Dharma and our goal is to understand them and apply them to our everyday lives.
- Meditation and yoga
- Chanting - this practices mindfulness and some people feel that they can communicate with the Buddha when chanting
- Praying
- Giving offerings and burning incense - these things have symbollic meanings
Q. How do people become Buddhist, what is the process?
A. The process for becoming a Buddhist is called the Triple Gem, which is taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. The Sangha is the Buddhist community.
Q. Do Buddhists pray?
A. Yes. Buddhists pray to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to
- to help all sentient beings
- for spiritual cultivation
- to inspire and develop compassion and positive thoughts to others
- to solve personal problems
Q. What is Buddhist meditation?
A. Buddhist meditation helps focus the mind
Q. Is the First Noble Truth right when it claims that "all existence is suffering," or is Buddhism overly-pessimistic in its assessment of the human condition? What sort of things are included in the scope of the term duḥkha?
A. Buddhism aims to overcome suffering. The term suffering in Sanskrit term duḥkha does not have an exact equivalent in English and we use the translation suffering as a best match. Duḥkha includes conditions where we are not satisfied with life, such as envy of other people, feelings of oppression, and so on.
Q. What constitutes "being a Buddhist" in Western cultures?
A. Being a Buddhist means following the teachings of the Buddha, starting with the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path.
Q. Why does the monastic sangha require such a rigorous behavioral code? Why shave your hair, be celibate and put on robes to become a monk or nun?
A. The monastic code helps in detaching from one's self, being mindful, serving as a reminder of monastic commitment, respect for Buddhism and for one's self, and encouraging energy and full commitment.
Q. Why do the Buddhist nuns seem to occupy a lower postion then the monks in the Buddhist sangha?
A. This belief is mistaken. Men and women are equal in Buddhism. The Buddhas own words confirm this.
Q. Who is the jolly-looking fellow with the big belly in Chinese temple?
A. Maitreya, the future Buddha.
Q. Isn't the Dalai Lama the Buddhist Pope?
A. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists.
Q. I am a beginner and want to find out more on Buddhism/meditation - what to do?
A. Come to Buddhism classes at Hsi Lai Temple or another temple near your area.
Q. How can we be compassionate to our enemies?
A. Consider your ememies' viewpoints. Consider causes and effects of regarding your enemies positively versus negatively. Maybe your own past behavior is the reason for your enemies' positions. Maybe your enemies position will shift if you regard them positively.
Q. Buddhists should be vegetarians, shouldn’t they? Why some Buddhists practice that?
A. No killing is one of the Five Precepts. The Five Precepts are an additional commitment taken by some Buddhists after taking refuge in the Triple Gem. A vegetarian diet is healthy, good for the environment, and develops compassion towards animals. However, not all Buddhists interpret the precept for no killing as including the need for a vegetarian diet.
Q. Why is it that you don't often hear of charitable work being done by Buddhists?
A. Buddhists do much charitable work. Charity is a fundamental concept in Buddhism. However, when Buddhists do charitable work the do not expect anything in return.
Q. Why are there so many different types of Buddhism?
A. Buddhism has spread over many different cultures and geographies. It is an adaptable religion that respect the validity of other religious traditions and viewpoints.
Q. Isn’t it selfish to say that we are best able to help others after we have helped ourselves?
A. Without wisdom and culvation we cannot truly help others.
Q. What is Loving Kindness Meditation?
A. Visualize yourself, then your close family, then the people that you do not know, then the whole world
Q. But if we stop wanting altogether, we would never achieve anything?
A. Because of impermanance desires are not substantial and do not achieve anything.
Q. Does Buddhism teach about magic and fortune telling?
A. No.
Q. What is Buddhist idea of God/god?
A. Buddhism does not have the concept of God in the Christian sense. There are many gods but they do not play a central role in Buddhism. One of the six realmsis a realm of gods. In Buddhism we are responsible for our future ourselves depending on the karma we accumulate rather depending on a God to judge us.
Q. What is Buddhist view on “evil”?
A. The three poisons, greed, anger, and ignorance result in bad karma. Phenomonen are not right or wrong in theselves. How you respond to a situation determines the outcome. People cannot be condemned forever but can go to a hell for a time as the result of their actions. We each have good seeds and bad seeds in our conciousness and what we become depends on what which we cultivate.
Q. What is Buddhist view on “heaven and hell?”
A. A state of mind and also one of the six realms. Bodhisattvas make a vow to save all sentient beings. They are not limited by time and space. Heaven and Hell are not permanent and people do not stay in either permanently.
Q. Is the ignorance in Buddhism similar to “sin” in Christianity?
A. There is no concept of being judged and condemned for sins in Buddhism. There are causes, conditions, and results (karma). Ignorance can lead to mistakes, and although the mistakes may not be able to be undone,ignorance can be overcome.
Q. Do people have a soul, and if so, what is it like? If not, what is it that makes you who you are, and how d o you remain the same person if—as science tells us—the material basis of your being changes continuously? If your memories changed, would you be someone else?
A. In Buddhism there are seeds from our past lives but there is nothing that is permanent.
- Q. Can Buddhist moral teachings have any force if Buddhism does not believe in a divine lawgiver? Are there any universal moral values or is morality determined primarily by local culture?
- Q. Isn't Pure Land Buddhism just Buddhist Christianity? This Amitabha Buddha and his Pure Land sounds a lot like Jesus and Heaven to me.
- Q. Is there free will in Buddhism?
- Q. Is bowing to Buddha idolatry? If the Buddha is not a god, then why do people worship him?
Q. Are Buddhists Atheists?
A. No. Buddhists respect and believe in the validity of other religions.
- Q. Is Mara in Buddhism is the same as devil in Christianity?
- Q. You certainly think highly of Buddhism. I suppose you think your religion is right and all the others are wrong.
Buddhist perspective to current issues
Q. What does Buddhism say about Abortion?
A. Whatever decision is made --- to have the child or to have an abortion --- there will be karmic consequences for all involved. Although it is often up to the mother to decide, the father and everyone else involved in the decision must realize that all deal with the consequences.
Buddhists emphasize that it is best to avoid the situation if possible and also warn against sexual misconduct but in the end, all actions have consequences.
Q. What is Buddhist view on “evolution” or “creation”?
A. Generally, Buddhists believe in scientific facts and support the general scientific view of evolution.
Buddhists also believe that creation is on ongoing process that does not rely on a God figure. The process is based on causes and conditions.
This is one of the key issues that separates Buddhism from other religions.
Q. What is the Buddhist stance on environmental issues?
A. From the earliest times, Buddhists have attempted to protect the environment. There are many stories about monks and nuns attempting to preserve the environment.
Buddhists, like most other religions, build physical structures so ordinary people can get an idea of what a spiritual community looks like and also to give a glimpse of what a heaven or Pure Land might be like. Although the building of a temple may disrupt the environment, it is considered by most Buddhists to be for the greater good of all people since it provides a place for spiritual insight and development.
Q. What is Buddhism's position about someone being lesbian, gay or bisexual?
Q. Is Buddhism more or less environmentally friendly? Which aspects of Buddhist teachings might make it appear in harmony with contemporary ecological attitudes?
A. It is not the sexual label that interests Buddhists about sentient beings. It is the actions done by these people that matters. Buddhists show little concern about identifications such as homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual.
But Buddhists do warn all people to avoid “sexual misconduct.”
- Q. According to Buddhism, when does life begin? If Buddhism is opposed to abortion, how is it that so many performed in Thailand?
- Q. Does Buddhism help alleviate stress, anxiety, loneliness, and other problems of modern life?
- Q. If Buddhism is so good why are some Buddhist countries poor?
- Q. Is Buddhism scientific?
- Q. I have heard that meditation is widely used today by psychiatrists and psychologists. Is this true?
Additional Questions
- Q. What is a Bodhisattva?
- Q. What is spiritual cultivation?
- Q. What are the different kinds of Buddhism?
Guruge, Ananda W. P. 2005. Buddhist answers to current issues: studies in socially engaged humanistic Buddhism. Bloomington, Ind: AuthorHouse. p. 252-258.
Three attempts have been made in 1891,1945 and 1997 by two eminent Buddhist scholars of the West and two inter-sectarian organizations (i.e., Henry Steel Olcott of U.S.A and Christmas Humphreys of U.K., and the American Buddhist Congress and Southern California Sangha Council of USA) to get a consensus of different Buddhist schools on the fundamental doctrines of Buddhism. The fourteen points of Olcott, the twelve principles of Humphreys and the ten points of the Buddhist Sangha Council Convention on Buddhism Across Cultures serve as a convenient as well as authentic means of summarizing the teachings of Buddhism as are current today. They, above all, emphasize the doctrinal unity of Buddhism, which defies the diversity in rites and ritual, modes of meditation and worship, and scriptures. These have been approved by representative or individual Buddhist leaders and dignitaries of practically all Buddhist countries though not in a formal or istitutional setting.
Fundamental Buddhist Beliefs -- A common platform upon which all Buddhists can agree (Olcott, 1891):
Ten-point Convention on Buddhism Across ultures (Havanpola Ratanasara, Ananda W.P. Guruge, Karuna Dharma, Henry Shinn and Jack Bath, 1997)